Friday, August 7, 2009


I was freaking out about today's appointment. Today was the day the dr was going to try to find the baby's heartbeat on the Doppler. Every time we've heard it so far, it's been thru the ultrasound. The Doppler was a big deal -- once you hear the heartbeat there, your chance of miscarriage goes down to 5% (which is what every woman's chance of miscarriage is).

Anyway, again, I wasn't feeling pregnant and I had convinced myself something happened. I had to get a whole physical today, so I was super nervous about everything. The doctor used the Doppler and was able to hear the baby's heartbeat -- however, I didn't hear it at first, so she continued to use the Doppler until I was able! I heard the heartbeat for a long time and it was music to my ears. Every time I think about it now, my eyes well up with tears. I'm so happy.

Anyway, the heartbeat was 168 (mine was 100 which we all thought was pretty funny -- I was very nervous, obviously). Old wives' tales says it's a girl, but you never know! We already made the appointment to find out the gender because my husband cannot wait. We go on Oct. 2 to find out what we're having. How exciting! I'm in such a great mood. This is such a good feeling. I cannot wait to hold my little baby sometime in February!

Monday, August 3, 2009

I Am Officially High-Maintenance

(I wanted to post this on Friday, but I had no Internet connection at work and had a million things to do after work once I got home)

So, on Thursday I called my OB -- I explained that my husband was in the ER on Sunday and that I totally freaked out about the whole thing. That I stressed myself out and that my nerves were completely out of whack. I explained that I hoped I didn't do anything to harm my baby, but I wanted to make sure. So I got an appointment for an extra ultrasound. Sweet.

Fast forward to Friday, I told my boss I couldn't come in at normal time because I had a dr appointment. I went to my appointment and low and behold, my little pumpkin was doing very well. His/her heartbeat was 174 (not sure if that's a little high?) and things looked great. I was so relieved and only have a few more days to wait until my next ultrasound (this Friday)!

Only thing is I didn't tell my husband about how I freaked and went to the dr on Friday. I knew he would think I was crazy and I just didn't feel like getting into it with him. I have some more peace of mind now and that's all that matters.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Weird Hunger

I've finally put two and two together and realized I have a strange appetite now that I'm pregnant. Sometimes I'm hungry in the morning, sometimes I'm not (but I make myself eat a delicious bagel every morning regardless); I'm ALWAYS STARVING at lunch -- I eat so much and still feel hungry (like right now); and at dinner time, food is the last thing I want. I'm not nauseous or anything at dinner time, but I just have no appetite. I wonder if that's normal. Then, I'll get hungry at like 9 or 10 when I'm laying in bed trying to fall asleep.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

10 Weeks Prego

Only two weeks to go until I'm in the clear. Please pray for me.

I woke up this morning with some odd-feeling cramps. Not like the cramps I've been experiencing throughout my whole pregnancy. But scary cramps. I'm trying to think back to how I felt when I had my miscarriage -- did my cramps feel like this then, too?

This past Sunday I had to take my husband to the ER for a horrific reaction to a hornet sting. I was VERY worked up about it all because I know people can die from bad allergic reactions... and he looked horrible. I then got nervous that during our scare, I might've done something to my baby/pregnancy. And of course, now today I have these weird cramps.

I'm hoping they're just gassy cramps. Please let it be gas. (ha)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thank GOD!

I just got back from my doctor appointment (thankfully clients were VERY high-maintenance today, so my day FLEW by) and all is well! I'm technically 9.5 weeks today, however, my baby is measuring 10 weeks, which is good news.

I'm still freaking out a little bit because my progesterone is 9.4 and my doctor explained to me that I have an 83-86% chance of having a healthy pregnancy. That's no 100%, I'll tell ya. It makes me nervous, but I will continue to stay positive and pray and everything will be OK.

I have an appointment in two weeks. Lets hope they're not the longest two weeks of my life.

Today is Going to D-R-A-G

It's only 8:30 in the morning and my appointment with my OB isn't until 3p. I don't know how I'm going to make it through the day in an OK-state-of-mind. I have meetings galore today. Is that a good thing or bad thing? It might keep my mind off my appointment at 3p, but the appointment on my mind might distract me from my meeting and cause problems as a result.

I've prayed so much this week and am praying that I will have a wonderfully happy weekend with my husband and 9.5 week old baby in my belly.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I Want to Feel Like Shit

So, not only is it crazy that women who've experienced miscarriage wish away their first trimester, but women who experienced miscarriage also want to feel like shit.

I don't.

Some days I feel kinda gross, but other days (like recent days), I don't feel bad AT ALL. Of course, this makes me wonder, am I going through another miscarriage? God... I hope not. Please no.

I haven't felt "growing" cramps since Sunday (it's Thursday), I've had a headache pretty much all week and this morning I woke up and my boobs didn't hurt.

I just wish I would start projectile vomiting all over the place or feel so bad that I can't even get out of bed -- just so I know everything is OK.

Please let everything be OK.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Want to Cry Wolf

So, I'm back in the state of mind that I'm not pregnant anymore. I'm still exhausted and my boobs still hurt and are pretty big, but I'm not starving like I have been, I still have this headache, and I haven't had cramps since Sunday morning. I'm freaking out.

When I had my miscarriage, I continued to feel sleepy, my boobs continued to be large and sore and I had a funky headache that wouldn't go away.

It's Wednesday. I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to make it until 3p on Friday to see my doctor.

I so badly want to call the doctor office and say that I experienced some bleeding and ask if I can go in for an ultrasound... but I fear that crying wolf is only going to jinx my chances of this pregnancy continuing and me getting a great gift at the end of it all. So, I won't call. At least, I won't call and make up a lie. If anything, I will call and explain my fears and see if they will take me a few days early for my appointment.

I can't think straight I am so nervous.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weird posts

I'm not sure why my previous two posts got reversed, but they did. Just FYI.

All is well so far

I was so nervous for my doctor appointment when I was 7 weeks pregnant -- I didn't feel pregnant anymore. I truly felt as though I had lost all my symptoms.

Well, things are going great. I should've been measured at 7 weeks 2 days (based on my ultrasound from the week prior), but I measured 7 weeks 6 days, which is great news. My baby is growing healthily and my doctor seemed very pleased.

I received my progesterone test back. Prior to taking my blood, my doctor told me that anything below 5 was bad -- that means a definite miscarriage. She likes to see a 9-10 progesterone level in her patients... and loves to see a level above 11. I was at a 9.4. My doctor is happy... I am happy. Let's hope this 9.4 sticks and all goes well with the pregnancy.

I'm so glad this appointment gave me peace of mind during my family vacation.

9 weeks and counting...

It's so sad that women who go through miscarriages wish their first trimester away. The day I found out I was pregnant I couldn't wait to be past the 12 week mark so I could enjoy my pregnancy and be filled with happiness and joy instead of fear.

Today is 9 weeks (although, my last ultrasound makes it seem like I'm further along) and yesterday I started getting a KILLER headache. I am well aware that headaches in pregnancy are common, however, during my last pregnancy, I didn't have any headaches and the week I started getting them was the week I miscarried. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence, but thankfully I go back to my doctor this Friday (God bless a doctor who is sensitive to high-maintenance patients who've been through tragedy before) for another ultrasound and checkup -- hopefully all will be well.

Women should be able to ENJOY their pregnancy from the moment they see two lines on the stick... I cannot wait until the day when I'm able to fully enjoy this pregnancy and not feel like I'm in a constant state of worry.

Friday, July 10, 2009

It's D Day... this week, at least

I still feel as though I'm not pregnant anymore. I had cramping two nights ago that lasted until yesterday morning, but I truly just feel that I'm not pregnant.

But... today is D Day... sort of.

I'm going back to the doctor to get my progesterone test results and get another internal ultrasound. I'm freaking out. My appointment isn't for another 6 hours -- getting thru the work day is going to be rough.

And to top it off, I leave for vacation tonight with my husband and my family. What if something isn't right at the doctor's office? What then?

I'm trying not to think the worst, but I also feel as though I need to prepare myself in case the worst happens... again.

I've been OK waiting all week, but today is going to be a killer.

I will pray all day. Please pray for me too.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Still Scared

I wrote the previous post today because I realized I forgot to update this blog the past few days -- I wanted to get everyone up to speed on the pregnancy and what things were expected during it.

Today I am either 7 weeks or 7 weeks 1 day and I am really freaking out. The cramps have stopped. Since I started getting cramps, I've had them a few times every day. It reassured me that everything was OK with my pregnancy. My body was adjusting as it needed and things were running smoothly.

But yesterday I realized I had zero symptoms, including the cramps that I've had daily... and today I have zero symptoms. I'm freaking out. I don't want to lose this baby. The only symptoms I still have is that my boobs are sore -- but the more I think about it, I think my boobs stayed sore during my last pregnancy, after I had already lost the baby. I'm not sure I can handle another miscarriage and have been praying daily. I go back to see the doctor on Friday and am keeping my fingers crossed.

First Appointment

All went well at the first appointment. I went last Friday -- I was 6 weeks 2 days. Everything looked good and we saw the heartbeat flutter. I was a happy camper.

The doctor told me because we saw the heartbeat, I had a 92% chance of having a healthy pregnancy, but she then went on to tell me she was going to test my progesterone to see if it was high enough to sustain a pregnancy. If my progesterone level is lower than 5, I will definitely miscarry. If it's between 6-10, it's sort of up in the air. If it's 11 or higher, then the chance of having a successful pregnancy is VERY good. I got the bloodwork drawn on Monday and have another appointment to see my doctor this Friday. I'm keeping positive thoughts.

I learned during my appointment that the little things that made me nervous that I might be miscarrying are actually fine signs of pregnancy -- including cramps. The cramps are just the uterus expanding, allowing room for the baby. I was very happy to know that.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm Scared

So, I am 6 weeks today. But I'm deathly afraid I'm not pregnany anymore.

Yesterday, around 5p, I started getting pretty bad period cramps. I know people say that have this during pregnancy, but they were pretty bad -- and lasted until about 7a this morning. I gagged a little when I was flossing my teeth this morning, and since then, I feel like all of my pregnancy symptoms have gone away. I don't feel as nauseous as I did yesterday and I don't feel as tired, either. I'm completely freaking out and debating calling my doctor to go in for an ultrasound (even though I'm scheduled to see her this Friday). Fortunately, my boobs still hurt, but when I had my last miscarriage, my boobs continued to hurt after I lost the baby.

I truly don't know if I'm strong enough to go through this again. I'm praying to God every second that everything is OK with my pregnancy and that it will be successful and I will carry full term.

Please God. Please bless my husband and me with a precious baby. I know we will make the best parents ever.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Prayer for Motherhood

On Father's Day, my aunt brought some prayer cards for my sisters and me (all unique to something going on in our individual lives). I was fortunate enough to receive a prayer card from St. Gerard and his Prayer for Motherhood:

O good St. Gerard, powerful intercessor before God and Wonder-worker of our day, I call upon thee and seek thy aid. Thou who on earth didst always fulfill God's design, help me to do the Holy Will of God. Beseech the Master of Life, from Whom all paternity proceedeth, to render me fruitful in offspring, that I may raise up children to God in this life and heirs to the Kingdom of His glory in the world to come.


I have been carrying this prayer card around with me since I received it. In addition, I started to wear my cross around my neck again (I go thru spurts of different jewelry I wear, but think it's appropriate I wear it now and for the next 8 months).

As I wrote this post, I remembered that the readings during my wedding ceremony were also focused on having children. I chose these readings intentionally because I know couples can have trouble having children and I wanted God to know how badly I want them. Since my miscarriage and now with my second pregnancy, I find myself closer to God and I find a lot of comfort in that. Having God in my life allows me to feel a little more at ease because I know He is with me every step of the way.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Worrying is Like a Rocking Chair

I have received a LOT of advice in my life -- about school, about preparing for a career, about my career, about relationships, etc... but the absolute best advice I've ever received was about life in general... and it was from my husband.

I'm the type of person who constantly worries. I worry that the people in my life get to work OK every morning, I worry that my dog is OK and healthy at all times, I worry that someone is going to break into my house when my husband goes away for the weekend. I'm a worry wort. I always have been and am afraid I always will be.

Which, I'm sure is why I'm worried if this pregnancy is going to stick (although, I do have a past experience that also attributes to this worry). I'm constantly checking my underwear to make sure I don't see anything peculiar (sorry, TMI, but it's the truth) and I'm constantly on my blackberry Googling things to see if it's normal during early stages of pregnancy.

So... what's the best advice I received from my husband? He tells me time and time again...
Worrying is like a rocking chair... it will get you nowhere.

The more I play this little phrase over and over in my head, the more relaxed it makes me. He's right. What is worrying about every little thing going to do? It's completely out of my hands at this point and in God's hands. I should not be worried because I've (and my husband) have done my part.

Although it's difficult to do, I'm going to play this over and over in my head until I know that this pregnancy is a healthy one and I'll carry full-term. I'll also pray a lot and ask God that he let this pregnancy be successful so I can have a healthy baby in February 2010. I'm a good person and am a good mom to my dog; I know I will be the best mom to a child.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sticky Glue

I'm nearing the end of my fourth week and I'm still so nervous. My boobs hurt so bad on Saturday and then the pain completely went away Saturday night and Sunday morning. When I was sitting in church, I was convinced I was starting to miscarry -- I thought I felt blood or something come out of me. Fortunately, when I got home, everything was OK. And now my boobs have returned to hurting, so that makes me feel better.

I go to the dr next Friday, July 3 and have a feeling I'm going to be very nervous until then. I'm trying so hard to be positive, but it's hard when you've already been thru one miscarriage. Talk about the TWW, I'm not in the TMW (2 month wait).

Other than my boobs hurting, things have been pretty smooth sailing. Although, I will say that I'm feeling a little nauseous today -- I welcome it, though. I will never complain about any pregnancies symptoms because I'm just so grateful I'm pregnant.

I pray every day that God gives me stick glue this pregnancy and I carry the baby full term.

Friday, June 19, 2009

4 Weeks

So, I'm officially 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I'm feeling really nervous. I feel like I have cramps today and I'm so nervous that it's the beginning of a miscarriage. I'm trying to be positive and realize many women have cramps during their pregnancies, but because of what I've been through in the past, the worst cannot get out of my head.

I don't have any cravings and no sickness at this point, although, I do find that I'm hungrier than usual.

Until next time...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


So, I didn't get my period at all yesterday. Last time I was pregnant, I tested the night I was supposed to get my period and got my BFP. I was really going to try to wait until today to test, but something was telling me yesterday that I was pregnant. I tested AS SOON as I got home from work and within 30 seconds I saw two lines! I'm pregnant!

I'm so unbelievably excited but I'm also very nervous as well. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high considering how my last pregnancy ended, but I'll be going to a new OB (who is a million times better than my old OB) who makes me feel totally comfortable and told me I could go in to see her for an appointment every week starting at 6 weeks until I feel comfortable. I love that. I didn't see my old doctor until I was 9.5 weeks pregnant and the days leading up to 9.5 from the time I found out I was pregnant were very difficult.

I want to send babydust to all other women out there who are trying to get pregnant. Please stay positive and pray (that's what I did!).

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

15 DPO

So... the day is finally here. I'm 15 DPO and I should definitely get my period today -- and if I don't get my full period, there should at least be some spotting. I'm going to try to stay positive, though, as I have no spotting or period yet (but then again it's only 9:30a).

Here's what I feel today:

  • cramps -- they pretty much feel exactly as they do when I start my period
  • canker sores still -- again... something I have right before I get my period
  • I feel a little weak today -- just different than I normally feel. Maybe this is how I feel before I get my period, but I've never paid close enough attention before

I wish I documented exactly how I felt last time I got pregnant. I cannot remember for the life of me if I had cramps that day or any symptoms leading up to the day I got my BFP.

I will continue to update as the day progresses. I truly hope I have good news to report.

So, it's 2:15p and still no sign of the wicked witch. I hope this is a good sign.

  • What I can say, though, is that I've been sneezing WAY more than usual today -- I've done some research and some sites have said this can happen in early pregnancy
  • I think my cramps are gone-zo?

Monday, June 15, 2009

14 DPO

I still feel cramps -- not horribly bad, but enough where I'm pretty sure AF is coming tomorrow. This is getting depressing.

So, it's about 4p now and here's what I've felt all day:
  • it feels like I've been doing crunches for a few days straight (I haven't done a single crunch)
  • I have a zit smack dab in the middle of my chin
  • I have a few canker sores in my mouth, which I always get before my period

Also, I'm EXTREMELY sunburnt. I never (rarely) get sunburnt. I was outside for probably a max of three hours this weekend. It hurts to put my bra on -- and it hurts to continue to wear my bra. So, I got to thinking, could there be something to this since it's rare that I burn like this? I did some research and found that women who are pregnant have much more sensitive skin and are more likely to burn than if they weren't pregnant. So, although I'm fully expecting the wicked witch to come tomorrow, I am keeping my hopes up for something wonderful. I should know tomorrow.

The TWW had come down to 24 hours.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

13 DPO

I have cramps. Ugh.

As the day wore on, my cramps really felt like stretching -- like I had done way too many situps or something. Hopefully that's a good sign!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

12 DPO

So... it's the morning of 12 DPO and I have zero symptoms once again. I'm pretty sure this isn't my month. Will continue to update as the day goes on.


Friday, June 12, 2009

11 DPO

OK... so I only have a few more days to go. Luckily my day today will be occupied by work and a family function tonight. I have to make sure I have plenty to keep myself busy with over the weekend. I've already put chores in place for myself so I'm not constantly thinking about the chance of being pregnant or wanted to test.

But... I'm 11 DPO and here are my symptoms (though hardly there):

  • lower back pain (could this be from bowling last night?)
  • sensitive breasts (but not painful nipples like the first time I was pregnant)

I'm sure I'll have more updates as the day goes on...

  • I feel like I have shortness of breath today
  • and perhaps some twinges near my uterus

The wait continues...

  • Heading to my family function and have major cramps. CRAMPS. UGH.

Beer Me?

To give you a little background on me -- I always have a drink in my hand when I'm at any type of social/family function. I don't always get drunk, but I do enjoy a beer or two or a nice glass of vino. That being said, now that I'm a little older (and perhaps hungover), I don't always want to drink. But the problem is, I don't want my family to suspect that I'm pregnant (because I'm not) just because for once in my life I'm not enjoying an adult beverage.

I have a family function to go to tonight. I'm sure alcohol will be flowing. However, I drank almost a bottle of wine last night at the bowling alley and don't really feel like drinking anything today. But do I want to deal with the inquiring looks -- "do you think she's pregnant?" My whole family obviously knows about my miscarriage and that I've been trying for another baby since January 2009, so I know it's a natural thought to wonder if I'm pregnant. But I'm not. And it bothers me. And it bothers me when people think I am. And it bothers me when people ask me if I'm going to ever have kids.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Feta, please.

Every time I'm in my TWW, I contemplate, should I eat this? Should I eat that? Everything you're NOT supposed to eat when you're pregnant are things that I question. Today was one of those days, but I decided I can't live my life as if I'm pregnant all the time because it will totally fuck with my head and make me think I'm pregnant.

Anyway, I ordered a salad today for lunch -- it came with feta cheese. I choose to keep it on the salad for the above reason I mentioned. I went to Aladdin's to pick up the salad, headed over to the eye doctor to pick up my new glasses, and headed back to work to eat the long-anticipated delicious Aladdin's salad.

I opened up the container.

No feta.

While any other day I probably would've been really pissed, today I wasn't. I thought... I wonder if this is an act of God. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten the salad with feta on it. Maybe this is God's way of telling me I'll get a BFP in 5 days. Let's hope.

But, for now, I will continue living my life as an un-pregnant girl. I can't fuck with myself more than I already do.

10 DPO

I was supposed to go to the dentist today to get a cavity filled, but because I'm not sure if I might be pregnant, I figured it was better to put the appointment off since I would have to get Novocaine at it anyway. I figure, I have one miscarriage under my belt already, I'm going to do everything in my power not to have another one if I ever get pregnant again.

Anyway, it was really difficult again to get out of bed. But maybe these are just symptoms I get before I get my period? Plus, have another mild headache.

It's almost noon and I seem to be getting minor cramps. :(

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Well, I woke up today EXTREMELY tired. Totally thought about calling into work and saying I had to come in late. I also woke up with a pretty sucky headache -- it felt as though I had one too many glasses of wine last night (FYI -- I drank no alcohol last night). Also, I was pretty hungry all morning (and still kind of am, even after eating a little something before leaving for work).

Still a little dizzy today when I stand up too fast.

And perhaps a little gassy? :)

Still extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely tired. Like... could face plant any second. It's been like that all day and it's 3:15p right now...

I wanted to CRASH after work. Unbelievably tired. I slept from 7-7:30p, but then had to take my dog to the store and for a walk. For the 2 hours I wasn't home, I felt like a zombie. I also had REALLY minor cramps that last maybe an hour at the most.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Again, not really feeling anything today. I feel like I'm going to the bathroom more than usual -- but maybe I'm just drinking more water? I swear I do things to myself during the TWW to make me think I'm pregnant: I'll push on my boobs to make them sore; drink more water so I have to pee more; feel like I can't see as well hoping the hormones are f'ing with my eyes; the list goes on.

The only promising thing for me this month is that last night my husband made a comment that my hormones seem completely out of whack because I was acting crazier than normal (haha). He typically doesn't comment on things like this... so maybe he's right. Let's hope so.

PS -- I think a girl I work with is pregnant. Sweet. Another person to add to the list.

Update: I had minor cramps at night -- makes me think I'll be getting a BFN.

Update: Totally forgot that every time I stood up from sitting down, I was very dizzy.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Nothing. That's exactly what I feel. No symptoms. Nothing.

The only promising thing for me is that the last time I got pregnant I had the same symptoms... or lack thereof.

Fingers crossed. Only 7 more days to go...

Happy Birthday

I had to take a hiatus this weekend because I pretty much just cried all weekend since this was the weekend my baby was supposed to come into this world. It was the worst -- but at the same time, I almost feel some sort of closure. I felt a weight on my shoulders leading up to this weekend -- knowing that I would be a mess of tears all weekend -- but now that the weekend has past, I feel as though I can move forward with my life (but never forget) and move on to making another baby.

I went to mass with my husband yesterday and it felt good to be so close to God. Although, the sermon had a lot to do with love and loving your husband/wife and loving your child and how there is no love like loving your child, etc etc. I almost left mass at that point because I felt I couldn't hold back the tears any longer... but I stayed, and I'm glad I did.

Friday, June 5, 2009


So, I think my "symptoms" from yesterday were due to a slight illness or something, because I am not nearly as tired today as I was yesterday nor do I really have any of the other things I mentioned in yesterday's post.

So far, no symptoms today. The only symptom I might have is a fluttery feeling in my uterus... but let's be honest... it's too early, and I'm sure it's just in my head.

The two week wait is THE WORST.

Bowling for Baby

So, about a month ago, my husband and I (and two other people) joined a bowling league. While hubs and I have always wanted to be in a league, I also thought it would be a good way to get my mind of TTC, which supposedly is supposed to help TTC.

Not only did I think this would be a good way to get my mind off things, but I also thought it would be a great place for me to go -- no babies, no pregnant women -- nothing to make me think about what's on my mind 24/7.

Until last night.

My team played a team of three people... two brothers... and a pregnant girl. WTF. Can't I get away from pregnant women ANYWHERE I go?! And, to top it off... the girl isn't married (although, she is dating one of the brothers). It makes me INSANE that single girls have babies left and right (trust me, I know quite a few of 'em) and the girls who are in a committed relationship and are building a foundation for a family... cannot get pregnant!

Can you tell I'm having one of those venting days?

I guess the only good thing about bowling the pregnant team last night is that I focused all my energy and thoughts on bowling and tried to block the pregnant girl out of my head as much as I could. And I did that well, because I bowled a killer game last night.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

3 DPO Symptoms?

Actually, the TWW began a few days ago, but I always sort of disregard the first few days because I feel like no symptoms will show up anyway.

I used an OPK this month instead of charting my temps (per dr's order), so I believe I'm 3DPO.

Here are some symptoms (?):
  • had to PEEL myself out of bed this morning
  • woke up with a headache -- it didn't go away for about 5 hours
  • oddly super tired (especially since I went to bed at 10:30p last night)
  • insanely hungry
  • think I'm peeing more than usual, but that could be in my head

I'll be annoying and track how I feel each DPO -- perhaps you will have similar symptoms (if that's what we can call them, even thought we have no idea if we're pregnant).

Everyone is Knocked Up

First it was coping with the miscarriage, and now it's coping with the two week wait... while EVERYONE around me is having babies or getting knocked up.

If I could count the number of friends/relatives/coworkers/acquiantances who are pregnant, I think I would die. And as each day passes, it gets harder and harder.

Not only that, but EVERYONE on Facebook (yes, I'm in my upper 20s and have a Facebook account) either has status updates about being pregnant (or their wife being pregnant) or pictures of their growing belly or newly born baby. Every day I tell myself to get rid of Facebook because I can't stand to look at everyone's happiness, while I feel completely and utterly depressed. Why don't I get rid of my Facebook account, you ask? Because I'm addicted to playing Scrabble and I couldn't fathom getting through the work day without it. Priorities, people.

The only comfort I've found in dealing with everyone's pregnancy is that God has a plan and there's a reason that I lost my baby and that I don't have another miracle growing in me yet.

How do you cope with your loss or TTC when everyone around you is pregnant?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Want to Add to Our Family

Welcome, readers. I have no idea what I'm doing with this blog... have no idea how to write a blog... have no idea how to set up a blog... but I figured it's the best way to get my thoughts written down so they're not always in my head. Plus, I figured there are others out there who can relate.

Here's my story... my husband and I decided in August '08 that we were going to try for a baby. We got pregnant in September; I received a BFP on Sept. 29. From then on, I was ecstatic. I knew it could take a year or longer to get pregnant, but it only took us one month!

Weeks went by until I was able to see my doctor (she didn't want to see any pregnant patients until they were 8-10 weeks along). I saw her when I was 9.5 weeks. Everything was "good" according to her -- although, she did no ultrasound and we couldn't hear the baby's heartbeat on the doppler (she said this was normal at my stage of pregnancy).

It turned out, when I was 11.5 weeks pregnant, I started bleeding and began to miscarry. Once I was in the ER, I was told my baby was not alive and s/he died at only 6 weeks. Had my doctor had the appropriate equipment in her office, I would've known this 2 weeks prior and wouldn't have thought I was only a few short days away from my second trimester and getting rid of the fear of losing my baby.

That all happened in November and my husband and I started trying again in January. It's now June 3 and still no BFP (and I was due June 7 with my first baby, so you can imagine the week I'm having).

Feel free to use this blog as a site to vent or be upset or offer advice to me or anyone else who may read it.